Archive for Month: October 2017

A Bar at the Follies-Bergère
Originally the barmaid’s face was supposed to be more expressive of what she was really set on selling. While painting, Manet changed his mind and made the barmaid look bored and tired or professionally impassive.

Seurat: Un dimanche après-midi à l’ile de La Grande Jatte
My friend, Seurat, and I were often together at la Grand Jatte. He was sketching, I was taking photos. Often our mutual friend, the writer Emile Zola, would join us. Like Seurat, Zola looked for inspiration among the representatives of various classes, who gathered at La Grande Jatte. Many passers-by […]

Eduard Manet’s Model for Nana
Manet’s model for Nana was the actress Henrietta Hauser. The painter liked his models so much that he made another painting of Henriatta Hauser in the same blue corset. That painting is exhibited in Germany under the title Frau vor dem Spiegel. Below are the model and the painting.

The primary function of underwear is utilitarian. Underwear keeps us warm, keeps away the bodily fluids from the outerwear and protects the body from the maybe coarse material of the upper garments. Underwear also has an erotic function but there were stages in its development when underwear was less than […]