Archive for Month: November 2012

Real-Life Idea for a Soap Opera
It all starts with the abs and the guy who developed the abs. The guy has a virtual relationship with a real housewife far away. Here she is, trying to avoid the cameras and the wind in her hair. The housewife tells the guy that she has been receiving threatening […]

Henry Rousseau or Francisco Goya
Henry Rousseau, also known as Le Douanier, painted two versions of his dream. The original version. The second version.

The Arnolfini Marriage
Giovanni Arnolfini married Giovanna Cenami in 1434. A member of the wedding was Jan van Eyck. The painter’s wedding present was this portrait which made the Arnolfini couple celebrities to this day. The following i-phone snapshot shows the Arnolfini couple on their way to van Eyck’s studio for posing. They […]

Gaylord Ravenal hopes Magnolia will love to have him back. There is Joe in the background, singing Ol ‘Man River.